Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day 1

ah, a recent picture (ha!), introduction, and 15 interesting facts.

disclaimer: i'm not that interesting, but i'm really cute.

see? it's true. (wink)

hi. i'm kissey. a Jesus-follower, wife, daughter, oldest sister, favorite cousin, best friend, dog owner, horse lover, painter, bookworm, adoption supporter, procrastinator, MSU fan, wannabe wine connoisseur and pathetic shopper.

15 facts - i'll refrain from claiming them to be interesting.

1. i'm obsessed with horses. always have been. if i could be a horse, i would.
2. i really do enjoy sports, even if i don't understand all the nuances. i'm a bulldog at heart, and a dolphins and dodgers fan by marriage, but they've managed to win my allegiance independent of the law student. as far as basketball, i'm just a fan in general. i like specific players and love an nba finals game 7.
3. i'm a really bad shopper. my mother and sisters make up for my lacking. it gives me a headache and decision anxiety, and pants. never. fit. plus, i have expensive taste (genetic), so it's generally better if i don't shop at all. the law student thanks me for this.
4. i've never broken a bone. true story.
5. i am slowly but surely becoming my mother. please see posts under that label.

6. my favorite dessert is ice cream. it shows.
7. i love to cook. this talent i did inherit. mom likes to make fun of me because, as she claims, i didn't know how to crack an egg when i left for college. but now i can make recipes sparkle and shine. thank you, law student, for discovering this talent and allowing it to blossom, and for alleviating mom's fear of a starving son-in-law.
8. i'm allergic to penicillin. funny story - had my wisdom teeth out and got the narcotic and penicillin for the recovery. for some reason my parents found it prudent not to suspend my driving privileges, which resulted in the purchase of a furry zebra print steering wheel cover. thanks, parents. but i digress. i was teaching vbs at church and had an allergic reaction to the penicillin (mom's allergic too), so the other teacher gave me benadryl. on top of my lortab. which culminated in me being drunk at church and driving home (again).
9. i love to make to-do lists and then cross off the items.
10. my sleepy-time habits must be observed: ceiling fan, cool temperature, white noise, my own pillow and baby blanket (some would call it a rag, i would call it awesome), closed door, dark, and otherwise quiet. no tv, no radio, no random party at the neighbors. sorry. wish i could fall asleep as soon as i lay down (becca), but i can't.

11. i play counselor to my friends. nobody's died or been incarcerated yet, so i think i've been pretty successful.
12. someone once told me i'm a type-a personality. i can't find anyone who refutes this allegation.
13. i'm really really bad at remembering to take pictures in general. the picture above is from my sister's camera this summer. i feel guilty, but not guilty enough to do anything about it. like get my camera fixed.
14. i can't stand to have my fingernails painted. it makes my fingers feel heavy.
15. i have the most expensive mouth i know of. expander, brackets with the expander, set of braces, 6 pairs of retainers, bleaching, 2 root canals, 2 sets of crowns, wisdom teeth removal, gingivectomy, tmj appliance...thanks, dental insurance.

so there you go. day 2 cometh.


Elizabeth & Travis Harville said...

o how i miss you kissey!!

Unknown said...

i feel like my fingernails can't breathe if i have colored polish on!