Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wednesday wussy

it's a wednesday wussy post, just for my friend elizabeth.

my body is conspiring against me. not only am i just now recovered from previously mentioned hellacious sinus infection and living with a disagreeable gi tract, but i suspect that my body actually wants to get pregnant against my will. my fertile period seems to be extremely long this time. maybe my body is producing ambiguous symptoms on purpose. maybe it's just the antibiotics. it doesn't matter--i'm on to its games, and i will win.

i gained four pounds on vacation. four. and we really didn't eat all that much! i ate SALADS on vacation! we accidentally skipped dinner two nights. i only had ice cream once. geez.

i think my camera is dead. it started suffering grand mal seizures on graduation weekend. you know, the moment i pick it up to take a picture of my law student receiving his diploma. so, i've found the camera cord (fingers crossed for a successful upload!) for the computer, found my stash of photo cards and have actually taken pictures of an entire vacation, and now my camera is kaput. sigh.

i have a bit of a vacation hangover/depression. before los angeles, i was kind of ok living here in small town. it had its good points, its perks: the farmer's market, our church, the park and the trails for roxy, a cute little downtown, good public schools, and it seems to be perfectly situated as a sort of home base for all my travels. i'm really no more than 4 hours away from any given friend except jules, and we're only an hour from an international airport. not to mention we live rent-free (for now) and i am employed. but after los angeles, i'm in a bit of a funk. i don't really want to live in los angeles, per se. you know, traffic, smog, crime, etc. but it is just as intoxicating to me as it once was: very grand, very busy, very cool. and very not like small town. sigh.

i have been accosted with two emails this week about homeless dogs--my poor little heart can hardly stand it. one family is looking for a new home for their dachsund, and another family has been semi-adopted by a stray. i am particularly drawn to the scraggly stray. i think she and roxy could get along. anyone want a dog?

in happier news: i may have the best husband ever. last week, i woke up at 5 a.m. unable to breathe and proceeded to blow my little nose off in the bathroom. instead of 1) rolling over and 2) telling me to go to the hall bathroom (like i might have done), he got up and made me a glass of cold water and a hot towel to put on my sinuses. awwwwww. he's also brought me lunch twice this week. whatever it is that he wants, he's playing his cards very shrewdly.

1 comment:

Elizabeth & Travis Harville said...

love it. you make me smile. therefore. love you!