Sunday, May 9, 2010

i get it from my mama!

kissey and her mama

this post is dedicated to one wonderful mother--mine--on mother's day. it's her 28th. to honor her, i've compiled a list of ways my mother has influenced my life/silly things she does that i love.

1. as i've said before, i'm pretty cute. i get it from my mama.
2. i also got her cooking gene. the law graduate (with honors!) never goes hungry.
3. i did not get the shopping gene or the decorating gene, but she has been generous with her talents. she has hung up all the pictures in my house, made the curtains, helped make the headboard that matches the bedroom decor that she picked out, and picked out our paint colors, just to name a few. the law graduate is particularly pleased about that shopping gene thing.
4. she's a fabulous host. this weekend, she helped make the food for our post-grad lunch and cleaned up afterwards. i've never moved that fast or efficiently in the kitchen. i have a lot to live up to.
5. a quote from my sister-in-law this weekend: "she's just so good with babies! she's one of those women i would feel immediately comfortable with holding olivia." high praise from a new mother.
6. she gave me two sweet sisters. they got the shopping and decorating genes.
7. she is a godly woman and great role model.
8. she never calls me by my name first. it's always preceded by at least one sister's name, and sometimes a dead cat.
9. she never let my birthday be combined with christmas, and is actually giving me a half-birthday this year. score!
10. she loves the law graduate like a son.
11. she is not on the baby bandwagon, like some sisters i know. but i know she'll be a great grandmother. later.
12. she cooked every meal we ate growing up, gardened and worked in the yard, and we always had a clean house. consequently, we also learned to clean at an early age. she also kept us in line. we had to shape up or ship out quick, or face a wooden spoon.
13. she was at every recital, school program, dance performance, class trip and basketball game.
14. we never got to watch mtv growing up. she was very careful about what tv, movies and music we were exposed to. it was so embarassing growing up, but now, i'm thankful. for the most part. i mean, i know we all needed saving from ace of base, but was u2 really that bad? and now, who wants to watch mtv? gross.
15. she is really close with her family, crazy as they are sometimes. that's been passed on to us--the closeness and the crazy.
16. she was a college cheerleader too! and pledged delta gamma too, but dropped before initiation.
17. she's been to italy. i'm jealous.
18. i got my artistic instincts from her.
19. we cannot ride in the car together if i'm driving without getting into a fight. so she drives exclusively.
20. i never (ok, rarely, but only a few times senior year) drank alcohol in high school because my mother put the fear of God in me. i'm thankful for that.
21. she always makes little things special. whether it's a special breakfast on our birthdays or a mini valentine's day present or even an easter basket years after we were too old for them, she always made it sweet.
22. she's quick with a heartfelt hand-written note. my grandmother was a good example. i should practice this more.
23. she completely planned my wedding and we only disagreed once or twice. she just handled everything.
24. i often find myself doing things or saying things that i know i do because she did/does them, like: tucking shirts into pantyhose for a smoother line, inexplicably saving glass jars, and using the word "tump" in normal conversation.
25. she enjoys good food, good wine, plays and traveling. my kind of lady!
26. she's been known to be a bit dramatic. so have i. so have my sisters.
27. she can sniff out a bargain like no one's business, whether it's an antique table or a t.j. maxx find. and she has great taste. i can walk blindfolded into a store and pick out the most expensive thing. i think it's genetic.
28. and certainly not last or least, she's a strong lady. she is confident and can't be easily swayed or steamrolled, and knows that a kind word can often get more accomplished than a mean one.

she's a darn good mama. i love you--you are the reason i am who i am today.

1 comment:

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

I didn't know you blogged until you posted on my page! I will stalk you now.

#8 made me laugh out loud!