Wednesday, May 5, 2010

9 and redemption, et cetera

ok, nine stalker comments. i'm satisfied with that--my ego is sufficiently stroked. thank you.

9, the theme. i bought the law student 9 graduation gifts--7 just-purchased t-shirts and 2 books. he's been asking for the t-shirts for quite a while. i had some purchased for him at a polo outlet, only i always know better than him and got mediums instead of larges. wife = fail. i've just tried to redeem myself with an overboard purchase at land's end, even though there is a polo outlet on melrose avenue. i'd go there next week, but i just don't think the law student can handle much more t-shirt drama.

in just a few days, he'll be a law graduate! i'm so pumped. i feel like i'm graduating too. i'm making myself a bit crazy with preparations, but it's ok. the law student's family (including sweet niece olivia!)is coming for the weekend, in addition to my mother and possibly middle sister. dad is graciously bowing out and may be planning a spectacular something later, which means no drama for my mama! all that's left is cleaning, sheet-washing, couch-vacuuming, roxy-bathing, some light cooking, and a hair-dye/mani-pedi date with my friend stevie.

i'm going to cardio class in addition to pilates. it is painful and not all that fun, but worth it (i hope). speaking of, i've found a new ice cream flavor--cake and ice cream. so yummy. we polished it off last night. i'm so glad it's out of the house now. ice cream doesn't last long around our house--3 days is about par.

any L O S T watchers out there? i know i cry at really anything (i cried in star trek. lame), and last night's episode was no exception. the true romance story, with a beautiful and tragic end. sniff. i got a sideways glance from the law student (mostly seeing if i had any ice cream left. i didn't. as if i'd leave ice cream.). my theory? 4 survivors, 4 remaining episodes...i like the chances. of my theory being right, not the fates of these fictional characters i've given 2.5 years of my life to.

time to get back to the grind. sigh.

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