Tuesday, May 25, 2010

post about posts

so, we're back from vacation. however, my body went into revolt. i developed a hellacious sinus infection that took me a week, a steriod shot, a round of antibiotics, a regimen of heavy-duty decongestant and a new found-love of the neti pot* to cure. pair that with a complete software and hardware update at work. let me just say i'm happy i can breathe again, literally and figuratively. the computer still has glitches, but now i can handle them instead of just saying "eff it" and falling asleep right there at my desk.

*neti pot--a fabulous little aladdin's lamp of warm water and saline solution that washes out your sinus cavities. i may be addicted. it could also double as a small house-plant watering can.

so, needless to say, i did not get a lot accomplished last week, especially here on the blog. i owe you several posts. here is a listing of posts to come*: graduation, los angeles (day-by-day in pictures), beautiful blog award, a wussy wednesday just for a friend, and general life musings.

*not that you'll necessarily see all of them. i'm notorious for making out to-do lists just to make myself feel better. i don't always have to finish the list. consequently, there are literally 5 half-marked to-do lists floating around the house.

so, first things first. i was nominated for a beautiful blog award from my friend elizabeth, who thinks i'm funnier than i really am. thank you! elizabeth, we really need to hang out soon. now, i have to nominate 7 people (7? maybe not 7) and contact them, and then tell you 7 things about me. but i'm changing the rules here. instead, i'll nominate some blogs that i think are worth checking out for you to visit. nominees are: kisses from katie, the redwoods on redbud, day and splashing with sara. katie, sara and day are all missionaries that inspire me. the redwoods are a family from church and i love reading about their daughter.

now, 7 things about me. hmmm....you already know i'm cute, i'm short, have a hard time finding jeans, love to cook, have a fear of being left behind in the rapture and an even greater fear of spiders, love the golden girls, save glass jars and plastic containers like my mom, and that i lint roll my dog. what else?

1) i did not know i had curly/wavy hair until after i graduated high school. i always just brushed and blew it dry. it never occurred to me that it was a sign of hidden texture. rainy days sure are easier. but now, no matter which way i style my hair, i wake up the next day with the opposite.

2) i love horses. i am absolutely obsessed with them. as a child, i drew them, read about them, pretended i was one, counted them incessantly on road trips. i knew all the breeds, colors, anatomy and equipment. i had more than 50 my little ponies and have breyer model horses at home. i was the kid who actually got a pony. 20 years later, we still have 3 at my grandmother's house. they still fascinate me. they terrify the law graduate.

3) my favorite snack is lays potato chips and a cold coke. i usually crave salt more than i crave sugar.

4) i hate having polish on my fingernails. it feels too heavy.

5) i really don't like to shop. it gives me a headache, can't make a decision and i have too much guilt. i'd rather spend my money on plane tickets, nice dinners and nights out with friends.

6) ice cream is my favorite dessert. i could eat it every night, which is probably why i cannot get rid of these pesky, persistent unwanted pounds. i think it comes from my dad. growing up, he had a bowl of ice cream every night after dinner. some time ago, when his cholesterol went up, the doctor advised him to lay off the ice cream. he did. the cholesterol went up higher. he resumed the ice cream.

7) i cannot comfortably sleep unless it is cold with a cool breeze on my face and there is a loud symphony of white noise machines. silence is too loud. tv or radio on? forget it. i can only do that on the couch. at home, i have the ceiling fan, a rather noisy air conditioner, the bathroom fan and a humidifier. it's really a lovely way to fall asleep, but it does become annoying when i'm not in my own bed. i wish i could sleep as soon as i laid down, but that is not me. and then i get on my own nerves.

ok, rain's gone, grill's on, and i have dinner to make. good night, and see you tomorrow!

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