Wednesday, October 27, 2010

in the spirit of halloween

a post about chocolate.

apparently, most chocolate is made with child slave labor. did not know this.

read this blog post yesterday. "we can lick the chocolate off, but the blood is still there."


tonight, the international justice mission is showing the documentary "the dark side of chocolate" on the UM campus. link here for info. i encourage you to see it if you live in this area.

coincidence? probably not. i love it when God just kind of sets things down in my lap like that. so, now i'm totally convicted about my chocolate purchasing habits. i found this list of fair trade chocolate, but it's over a year old, so you may want to research more.

4 links in one post. i'm helpful like that.

so, now you know. read, be educated, pray, and then DO.

1 comment:

Candie said...

Oh Wow! I had no idea!