Sunday, April 11, 2010

a productive saturday

as mentioned in the previous post, my house was in a state of major disarray. so i cleaned. all day.
here's my got-done list:

-3 loads of laundry, plus blankets, dog bed and 2 sets of sheets.
-washed dishes.
-walked the roxy.
-dusted the bedroom and living room.
-vacuumed the entire house.
-mopped the tile.
-put up all my dirty/clean-but-tossed clothes and put away the shoes.
-cleaned the mirrors.
-lint-rolled the roxy, then the couch.
-cleaned the kitchen counters and put things in their proper places.

my house is so clean now. i feel better and ready to take on one last week of taxes.

and speaking of cleaning...does your husband/do you do this? the law student takes his wedding ring off just about every chance he gets, it seems. not because he doesn't want to wear jewelry or flirt with other women or anything like that--he just takes it off. for instance, when he showers, or shaves, washes the dishes or waves with his left hand or something. and i don't mind. but he doesn't always remember to put it back on immediately and oftentimes leaves it exactly where he put it. you know, hanging off the shower caddy hook (my personal favorite), or on the edge of a sink or other bathroom apparatus. i came across it late friday night on the edge of our bathroom sink. i know men and women think differently. the law student, i'm sure, thought the counter was solid and clean and dry and next to where he was standing, so of course that was the perfect place to leave a wedding ring. i looked at it and immediately saw it slipping down the sink drain, sliding into the trash can or flying into a just-flushed toilet. (in these scenarios, no one has to actually flush the toilet--it just happens to be flushing at that exact moment.) so i hid it and went to bed.

cut to saturday morning, 11-ish. the law student is dressed, showered and ready to head to the library but keeps scuttling about, in and out of rooms. he asks if i've seen his wedding band. i say no and remind him that his band cost more than mine did. he keeps looking, saying, "i left it right on the bathroom counter." i smile to myself and try to keep a straight face. then he says he's going to have to look through all the trash he just took out. for a milli-second, i contemplate letting him do it, but then i scold myself for being mean. actually, i realized if he got through all the trash and then i told him i had hidden it and knew where it was, i would be in big trouble. so i go to the bathroom and show him the hidden ring. he was not too thrilled with me.


Rebecca McKissack said...

HA i love that you hid it, lauren!!! funny post sister!

Holls said...

I have been so tempted to do that. Chad comes in and takes his off right inside the door and it drives me crazy! However, I come in and leave mine on until its time to go to bed and put it neatly into the box it came in. MEN!

Kathleen said...

HAHAHA so classic. I totally know that scene in Apollo 13 when Tom Hanks wife loses her ring in the shower drain as she's washing her hair . . . I will never forget watching her dig the drain for it. Fail. I'm with you, Lauren.

Amanda and Sterling said...

I used to have that problem with Sterling...he would leave it EVERYWHERE along with his keys and phone! I had the brilliant idea of getting him one of those leather catch all things to put by the door and he is pretty good about putting it there when it comes off. That might be a nice present for the law student's graduation?

Kissey said...

4 comments? i'm so happy!

and amanda--i've tried. ben has a bowl by his bed, we have a key hook, and i continue to pick up wallets, glasses, keys, watch and ring. i don't get it--if i took off/took out stuff, i'd lose it in a second. i need a wife to pick up after me.