Friday, April 9, 2010


kathleen thinks i'm funny. thank you, kathleen.

in other news:

i did make it through yesterday. but i still can't fire that client. and i have to work sunday. i can't wait for april 16th.

the law student and i are now the proud owners of two round-trip non-stop flights to the city of angels! i hope all of our friends are currently underemployed with lots of free time, large extra bedrooms and deep pockets. oh, and los angeles dodgers? you suck for playing out of town in arizona that week.

the law student thinks that upon graduation, he should be called sir. the law student is deluded.

i think my mental state this month is echoed in the physical state of my bedroom. and bathroom. and kitchen. so, i plan to clean this weekend.

i also plan to make dream cookies for april 15th, and later this month for a friend's birthday. corrie, this is your sign that i really do love you.

in addition to all my crazy situations at work, i started this week off with a pregnancy scare. but have no fear, nfp rides again! can i tell you how much our california vacation would have sucked? who has 2 thumbs and wants to be knocked up in la watching their husband and friends party it up while she's puking? not this girl.

i asked the law student to make dinner last night. please note this involves a crock pot (read: you can't screw this up.) here's the email i sent to him:

in crock pot, put (in order):

frozen corn (it's family size, so maybe not all of it)
1 can black beans (drain, rinse, repeat), or 2 if you think we need it
chicken breasts, salted and peppered
chopped garlic (2-3, remaining cloves in the little dish--the small things)
jarred salsa over the top

put on high.

the "drain, rinse, repeat" part stumped him. yes, really. i made dinner.

just thinking about this week makes me want an adult beverage.

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