Tuesday, April 13, 2010


3 more days left in tax season. this morning, we were instructed not to bother the cpas. it has not really worked out that way. we're all in countdown mode here. because all that other work that has to get done doesn't stop just because it's tax season. and if the phone here never rings again (ha!), it will still be too soon.

yesterday, i worked over 10 hours. i skipped small group and napped on the couch from 5 until 9. in between golden girl episodes, i ate a little dinner: turkey and cheese rollup (one of my staples from college), an apple with peanut butter, some popcorn, and a bowl of cereal. i completely ignored the leftover asparagus and southwest chicken in the fridge. but that's irrelevant. what IS relevant is that the law student didn't bring me dinner from small group.

our small group meets on monday nights. we have dinner together and then bible study. let me drop this disclaimer: i did not ask the law student to bring me dinner. there. i wasn't very hungry by the time he got home, due to my nutritious and organic dinner mentioned earlier, and it wasn't even an issue until we were in bed at 11 pm, and he started talking about the wonderful dinner crystal made. cornbread, corn and lima beans with bacon, twice-baked potato casserole and pork tenderloin...he casually mentioned that had crystal offered a "late plate" for me. "do you want to take a plate to lauren?" "nah, she can fend for herself. she's only worked 10 hours and can't see straight and has a headache. she didn't look one bit pitiful napping on the couch. she doesn't need a good dinner. she had popcorn. and was in a great mood, too!" "why would you not bring me a plate, especially after someone offered it to you???"

thanks, honey.

extended disclaimer:

i love the law student with all my heart. he's my favorite person ever and he always does nice things for me and i don't have a lot of room to complain. his missteps are just funnier to blog about. i've said it before, and i'll say it again: men and women think differently.

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