Thursday, February 3, 2011

happy birthday, anna banana!

it's the baby princess's birthday. 24. time to stop counting and start lying!

birthday girl

isn't she pretty? she looks like reese witherspoon a la june carter cash.

right now she's stuck in dallas in a cold weather-sponsored state shut-down. apparently texas responds to snow much like mississippi does.

so, in honor of her day...a birthday post.

she was the biggest baby of the bunch, and had toooooons of fat rolls, but no hair. til she was 2.

her name was supposed to be marshall stephen if she was a boy, and elizabeth anne ("annie") if she was a girl. however, my grandmother insisted on calling her "elizabeth," so our mom changed her name. after she was born. true story.

she's prissy, and sassy, and loves to laugh. where rebecca and i are like midnight and high noon, anna and i are more early afternoon and late afternoon.

she's determined and smart, and sets a high personal standard for herself, her friends and her precious students.

and, her closet.

she's a fashion maven/addict, and loves all things expensive and stylish. i did not get this gene. she really must be with me whenever i make more than one clothing purchase. where i'll hem and haw, she's decisive and confident. and she's always put together to the nines. nines, i tell you!

two of anna's favorite things: couture purses and henry man

obviously, a post about anna would be incomplete without mention of henry, anna's other other half. he really is the cutest little thing, and, as you can see, always well-dressed.
when anna is at school, he likes to play dress-up. also, he refuses to potty outside when it's cold. kind of like anna. diva much?

anna's other favorite

conner is pretty much the only person who can tell anna "no," mean it, and she listens (how do you do it?!). he's really tall, so she can wear her highest heels no matter what. he also may or may not be the instigator of her bulldog betrayal. but she's been forgiven, since he actually did play football at ole miss, and how can you not cheer for your boyfriend?

so, happy birthday baby sister. you're worth every penny. i wish i lived in dallas so i could play with you all the time. i know you wanted to be an aunt for your birthday, but how about a visit from your oldest sister instead? love you so much!

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