Friday, January 28, 2011


so, see previous post below. i told you all that to tell you this on this less-than-bitter-cold and beautiful sunny friday morning.

i may not have a fancy phone, i may tear my dryer sheets in two, i may wear my "running shoes" into the ground and i may buy my coffee at the dollar general, but i. love. my. xm. radio. i'm pretty ADD/control freak about the radio while in the car, which is one of the many reasons why i drive everywhere. the law student indulges/wisely doesn't fight me on this.
little things make marriage work.

things i love about xm radio:

i can listen to elvis anytime i want. as a true southerner, i believe homage is due, and i can get my fix of the king 24/7. it's totally awesome. i now have an irresistible urge to visit graceland. soon.

i know the names and artists of more songs every day.

no more nickelback! i stay away from the top 20-type channels. the rock, grunge and alternatives stations show more sense and wisely ignore them.

i don't know which is more money: elvis, or no nickleback. toss-up.


Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

For me, no Nickleback would be the draw.....

Have you been to Graceland? It is amazing. Seriously.

Katie said...

so... i totally tear my dryer sheets, too. where did we get this? our moms? and more importantly, why do we do it??
now that i'm a grown-up, i think it's just another way to save a few bucks. but i'm pretty sure that when i was younger i thought we tore our dryer sheets because 'you just don't need that much dryer sheet' for each load.
i'd love your perspective on this.

Kissey said...

i wholly believe dryer sheets are oversized on purpose. plus, i have small clothes. ;)

(am i replying to mrs. zumo? or an unknown but very welcome reader? new readers make me happieeeeeeee.)