Friday, January 28, 2011


so, see previous post below. i told you all that to tell you this on this less-than-bitter-cold and beautiful sunny friday morning.

i may not have a fancy phone, i may tear my dryer sheets in two, i may wear my "running shoes" into the ground and i may buy my coffee at the dollar general, but i. love. my. xm. radio. i'm pretty ADD/control freak about the radio while in the car, which is one of the many reasons why i drive everywhere. the law student indulges/wisely doesn't fight me on this.
little things make marriage work.

things i love about xm radio:

i can listen to elvis anytime i want. as a true southerner, i believe homage is due, and i can get my fix of the king 24/7. it's totally awesome. i now have an irresistible urge to visit graceland. soon.

i know the names and artists of more songs every day.

no more nickelback! i stay away from the top 20-type channels. the rock, grunge and alternatives stations show more sense and wisely ignore them.

i don't know which is more money: elvis, or no nickleback. toss-up.

and your point is...

*disclaimer: basically, this post is a shout-out to several of my favorite blogs with themes, and how mine is not.

so, i read a post here (awesome design blog that i stalk/drool over/envy/wish to emulate despite my lack of inherited design skillz) about how to grow your blog, increase traffic, and such. she has a lot of great ideas about it. as i read, i realized: my blog has no real discernible point.

i'm ok with this. my blog serves no other purpose than to publicly contain my random typings about life, marriage and pet peeves, and entertain myself and a few other readers that happen to share my hit-or-miss humor about the neuroses and experiences that shape my life. i don't need a goal or an objective. i'm not trying to sell you anything or increase my fame, although seeing new followers makes me really really happy (big. hint). i am lost on html code to make my blog super-cute and i do not have time to upload tons of pictures that i don't have tons of time to take. i honestly just have no desire to narrow my blog-vision and drive a point home. also, i like to use as many post labels as possible. you may have noticed.

sorry. remember, i've told you i have commitment issues when it comes to making inane decisions, like buying new running shoes and such. ok, i don't actually run. but whatevsies.

i would love to have a sweet and aesthetically pleasing blog like emily and tim, and write cute letters to the hubs, or to anyone, but i don't. it takes time, effort and consistency. i, personally, am an all-star amateur procrastinator, and some days i just don't feel like writing sweet notes to the law student. but i'm trying to get better about that.

or, if i had an amazing life mission like the oatsvalls, the mayernicks, sarah or katie, i would be more than happy to advocate for it. and i obviously don't have children (nfp success! yes! happy dance.), so a mommy-blog is out of the question. all i have is the roxy, and blogging obsessively about my crooked-ear pound puppy might actually drive people away.

so, for now, i am content with sharing my thoughts and adventures as a law wife, as i see fit. maybe one day i'll shape up and give you a more pointed perspective. or maybe not.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

happy new year!

our 2011 has already been a whirlwind.
here's to winding down!
wishing you a (belated) happy and healthy 2011

dear husband

last night, you did hand motions to coolio's backintheday hit "1, 2, 3, 4".

i am impressed for 3 reasons:

1. that this song was in your head.
2. that you chose to express your enthusiasm with totally original hand motions.
3. that i caught on and knew exactly what you were doing.

just a little reminder that we are made for each other.

Monday, January 17, 2011

i promise

to be better at blogging, once a) january is over and all w2s are out and b) my father-in-law gets to come home from the hospital.

yeah, so, my father-in-law fell off a roof new year's day (we were in jacksonville cheering for our bulldawgs!) and it's been a whirlwind ever since. he is doing great and expected to make a full recovery! it will just take some time.

also, per slate today, i have been typing everything incorrectly - that is, with two spaces between sentences. i was shocked when i read the article. i checked with my fellow grammar-aficionado bestie, and she concurred. i may not recover from this.