Monday, September 14, 2009

not me

it's not me monday, according to mckmama (see the link on my blog list). so, let's see what i didn't do these past few days, hmmm?

well, i know for sure i wasn't a douchebag at the VMA's and didn't upstage some sweet little rookie VMA winner. kanye is so immature he needs a pacifier, if only to keep his mouth shut. and thank you, beyonce, for being so classy and gracious.

i did not eat 2 huge plates, one right after the other, of laura's chicken spaghetti when i got to tampa thursday night at 11 pm. i would never gorge myself after-hours like that.

i also did most certainly not eat junk for dinner sunday night instead of cooking something or actually going to the grocery store. i would never sit on the couch watching tv and finishing off two bags of lays (regular and baked, respectively), complemented by fritos with french onion dip and topped off with a bowl of cheerios. i always eat healthy with plenty of greens and wouldn't be that lazy.

there is no laundry on my floor. i always put away my clean laundry in a timely fashion, and always unpack as soon as i return home.

that scale did not say 121.2 pounds today. i swear on all that is hol(e)y. like cheerios.

i did not forget i have to cook dinner tonight for small group. something like that would never slip up on me. i have the memory of an elephant and am always very organized and on top of it all.

why, oh why, do all (well, most) of my "not me" entries pertain to food? well, after that scale and last night's dinner, we're all having salads. with no croutons or dressing. deal with it, small group.

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