Monday, September 21, 2009

monday magic and weekend recap

somehow, it is not raining right now. praise the LORD. poor farmers--some are about to lose their crops. it is so gross outside. to describe using a 9th-grade english vocabulary word, the general atmosphere is saturnine: heavy, gray, gloomy, dull. thank you, george hazard.

weekend in review

i didn't do a damn thing all weekend. well, that is actually a lie. i did some things. friday night, the law student and i had over-priced and under-qualified mexican food and margaritas with a friend.

saturday, i got up at 7 am and miraculously it wasn't raining (and didn't rain all day). i bought meat at the market, walked and bathed the rox (finally! our poor pup has really missed her exercise. i have the scratches to prove it.), managed to shower (but only once) and start, and almost finish, the laundry. i napped for 3 hours before heading to the grove to see some more friends. and joy of joys, i got my black yoga pants and nude bra from my mama! and horror of horrors, i became that person i make fun of and talk bad about at work. we are delinquent tax payers. we have managed to not pay our MS state income tax. how, you ask? good question! when i received our 2008 tax return from my CPA boss, neither of us looked at it and assumed that, like last year, we were getting refunds. turns out we only got a refund. whoops. so when i opened our nice little notice from the state tax commission, i was sure they were wrong (and they often are), but in our tax return folder, plain as day, there was our tax payment coupon. only now, we owe $4 in interest. damn. after this and our air compressor expenses, i am not to ask to do or buy anything fun. again i say, damn.

sunday was full of thunderous downpours and dramatic displays of all that is wet, so the law student and i stayed in bed when we should have been in church. the laundry got folded, golden girls dvds got watched, mr. david (father-in-law) got wished happy birthday, and the law student got talked into (begged and threatened, really) going to town not once, but twice to get necessities like baking soda, worcestershire and birth control. but the homemade spagehtti and meatballs made up for it, i'm sure. shower did not make it into the mix. but the laundry is mostly put up.

i also cried. this is a bit more personal that what i usually post. if you know me, you know my parents are bitterly divorced and everyone still dealing with the four-years-and-still-going fallout. and it's really tiring, trying, anxiety-inducing, anger-creating, and all the rest. it is so hard to see His hand at work. i know this is not true. i know God loves my family relentlessly, and that He does not forsake us. but after 4 years and what looks like will be 5 christmases, it is becoming very hard. so prayer over my parents would be greatly appreciated.

this week will be busy like all the others: small group, pilates, painting, chores, dinner creations, roxy snuggling and traveling to starkville for bulldog bash 2009 (third eye blind, i love you) tailgating and birthday celebrations for both of my in-laws. i hope you all had a great weekend and that today is bright, or at least not rainy. if you've got a boat, come visit. you'll need it.

1 comment:

Spring said...

I pray for y'all everyday and hope that some closure can come to this seemingly never-ending situation. You know how much I love y'all! =)
PS: I think everyone who ever had Mr. Hazard will remember saturnine forever.