Saturday, December 31, 2011

christmas apathy

well, wasn't this just a christmas for the books? i was a bit of a scrooge. well, more apathetic really. below, my christmas apathy in parts:

we didn't put up a tree. my mother bought me a fake tree when i was in an apartment in college. it served me faithfully through college and 4 years of marriage. but when we moved, i was tired of packing and really couldn't fit another thing into my car. so i left our faithful tree in the hall closet with intentions of buying a new one here. glad we didn't, because we had no room for one anywhere.

we didn't put up a wreath. when we moved to small town, mom got us a cute wreath hanger and a fall wreath. i'm not much for decorating, and the pretty christmas wreaths are insanely expensive, but last year i did finally get a cute pinecone wreath for christmas. pretty sure it's sitting in our storage unit right now, along with other life items.

we didn't put up a garland. because we've never put up a garland.

we didn't put up ornaments. no tree, remember? not even a tiny one. kind of sad, because we have some cute ornaments, and when we got married, my m-i-l gave me a whole box of ornaments that belonged to the lawyer as he grew up. awwww. however, a little christmas did sneak through via my mother. (are you picking up on that theme?)

the lone ranger

we didn't put up lights. even though my house is covered in christmas lights that no longer work, if they ever did. but i promise you we're not about to climb up and down ladders unstringing them. the only thing we could have decorated is the washing machine out front that lowe's didn't haul away. i think it would have been kind of awesome. it's a good thing we do not live on street front property, because i'm pretty sure our neighbors would have sued us or something.

we didn't put out the nativity. i'm actually a little sad about this one, because it's really pretty and i actually took it out of storage a few months ago. plus, it's the whole reason we even celebrate christmas. but it's just been hanging out in the boxes by my bathroom door/rack with the dog food.

we didn't get to see my mom and sisters on christmas day. for the first time in my entire life. it sucked, and i cried. twice.

the only upside to this whole christmas-decoration-avoidance? i don't have to put up a. single. thing. booyah! now, off to run (more on that later) followed by light dusting/vacuuming and more bulldog nation. happy new year!

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