Monday, July 11, 2011


packing is NO fun. i never want to buy anything ever again, because eventually i will have to pack it.

we just unloaded our house in small town into our new house in hometown. and it was a chore. cheers to friends and family who made it happen. i spent most of my packing energy sighing at unpacked plates and utensils and then finding something else to do or just following the law student around the house as he and robz toted large pieces of furniture out to the uhaul. it's amazing how much shiz we actually have. it's like it mushroomed at the mere mention of packing tape.

our new house is super cute, even if one room doesn't have ceiling lights. it's cozy and private and i may have to get creative, but i believe it'll be a blast. the rox is less enthusiastic, as the house is totally hardwood (phobia #1) and the stairs are slats that you can see through (brand-new phobia #2). which means - less dog hair on the bed!

my mother-in-law is better than your mother-in-law, because she cleaned our house all day friday and saturday, and is coming over again today. seriously. just another reason why i'm so glad i married that boy. his parents are awesome.

pictures to come, although i'm a little creeped out to post pictures of where we live. i may not. you may just have to come visit.

so, for now, i'm still working in small town. i'll hopefully get to visit the boy and the rox on between the week and the weekend, as i'll be on several adventures for the next 3 saturdays. i'm living at my friend's house here, although it may be to my disadvantage. i have high hopes for working out and working lots of overtime, but chew on this. last night's dinner: 1 reese's, 2 snickers, 8 pringles, 6 crackers & cheese, fruit gummies & a coke. this is not good.

1 comment:

Chicken's Mom said...

I'm so behind! Welcome back! And I know a good electrician :)