Thursday, July 14, 2011

viva las vegas

it's true. i get to "viva" las vegas tomorrow! baby sister's bachelorette party commences in 24 hours and counting.

the law student (who is opening his own practice and once again will need a new blog name), ever so caring, has given me some thoughts and instructions for my trip, based on his extensive vegas experiences.

1. don't get sold into sex trafficking.
2. don't ride in a cab with a stranger.
3. don't ride in a cab alone.
4. at all costs, make sure you're on that plane sunday. i don't care about anyone else.
(me: not even my sisters?)
4. a) ok, make sure your sisters are too, but that's it.

anna to me: if you don't have more than 3 drinks, i will roofie you.
ben to anna: if you ruin my marriage, i'll ruin yours.

i'm really excited, and a little nervous. 15 southern belles taking vegas by storm has comedy of errors written all over it.

1 comment:

laura said...

Hahahaha. I can totally hear Anna saying that. Such a good sis. Love her.