Monday, March 8, 2010

who's afraid of the dark?

that would be yours truly. it all started early this morning, around 2 am.

the law student and i were fast asleep. ceiling fan was on, bathroom fan was running, and the humidifier was humming along. and then the power went out. i, per usual, woke up immediately due to the lack of noise. the law student was a bit harder to rouse, but somebody (not me) had to get up to turn off the beeping battery back-ups, and then get up again to turn off our alarm system because i was too scared (and warm) to get out of bed. he was unhappy about that. and then, back to sleep.

but i got hot. then i got cold. and then i got hot again. it was dark. all our food would spoil in the fridge. our alarm system was off. what if someone came in through our guest room window? we'd never hear it! i heard bumps in the night outside. i heard roxy rustling in her box. and it was sooooooo dark. i couldn't see my hand in front of my face. my mind was getting a bit too creative so i tried to go to sleep, thinking i'd wake up and it'd be morning and everything would be all right. but i had bad dreams--about the bumps in the night and the predators who undoubtedly had cut the power lines in our neighborhood so they could break into our house. i tossed and turned and dozed in and out of dreams for about an hour, then finally drifted off.

at 3:30 am, our bathroom fan roared back to life. i shot up out of bed, scared to death. the alarm started beeping again. i stumbled in the dark (and just about killed my phone/flashlight) to turn it off, then reset it to ward off intruders. the humidifier had to be reset, as did the clock and our alarms. but i forgot about the coffee machine until i was in the shower this morning. so i hop out, soaking wet, to warn the law student about this potential disaster.

i like when i make the coffee. the law student tends to make too much or make it too weak. he's a man. so i panicked, thinking he would pour in more water, throw out the good filter with the fresh coffee grounds and generally ruin the pot of coffee i had prepared the night before. like he's never made coffee before or something.

ahhh, mornings.

p.s. does anyone else remember that nickelodeon show, who's afraid of the dark?


Spring said...

"Submitted for the approval of the midnight society..." man, I loved Are You Afraid of the Dark? sooooo much! We used to watch them on DVD in the Phi Mu chapter room... ah, the good ole days.

Kathleen said...

Of COURSE I remember Are You Afraid of the Dark?
I used to watch it religiously and then cry when I couldn't sleep at night.
No surprise Karen wouldn't allow me to watch it anymore.
I feel your pain!!!