Friday, December 18, 2009

new celebrity crush

the law student and i watch a bunch of crime drama. by "bunch," i mean specifically law & order: svu, law & order: ci and most recently, criminal minds. and while this guy is super hot,

shemar moore as derek morgan

this guy is my new celebrity crush:matthew gray gubler as dr. spencer reid

yes, he's skinny. his character is a bit awkward on the show. he has long hair (that i adore). and he really really reminds me of the law student when we first met. but total celebrity crush on this guy. almost, if not equally, as big as the one i have on jim halpert, not to be confused with john krasinski, although they look exactly alike.

i just feel like i know jim halpert a little better, you know?


Spring said...

i agree on all points of this post. i heart reid.

Kissey said...

meeeeeeeeeeeee too. he so reminds me of ben when i met him.