Thursday, July 29, 2010

hello again!

miss me much? no? whatever. i have my life back. the law graduate is done with the bar exam!!! since late june, life has been a blur, a combination of the exceedingly mundane and major stress. i'll do a recap for you, in list format of course, but not in chronological order. i can almost feel your enthusiasm.

things that happened during bar exam study time

1. just yesterday i got into a standoff with a yellow jacket (or some other mean stinger) in my car right before going to work.

2. just call me lord of the flies. they have infiltrated our house. every time i smash one, two more appear. i spent most of my lunch break yesterday sneaking up and squashing them between the blinds. nothing like bug blood on window panes.

3. spent most of yesterday terrified someone was going to break into our house and steal the roxy. lots of dognappings for dog fighting going on lately. disgusting. we were lucky they didn't take roxy when we were broken into.

4. i helped free a teeny tiny baby chameleon during pilates class one afternoon. i set it free in the garden outside. i told my sister this, and she in turn told me of her most recent lizard experience--she flushed a live one down the toilet.

5. my boys came back for season four! whoo! my favorite tbs show ever.

6. i'm starting to work out and walk again. i. hate. cardio. it's not as easy as it used to be.

7. that said, i am trying not to focus on my looks/trouble spots as much, knowing that a) it's really easy to get caught up in that at the expense of other more important things, b) God looks at our hearts, and c) i'll kill to look like this in ten years. it's all about balance.

8. but i have good genes. once this summer, while i was getting my wedding ring cleaned, the girl cleaning it asked me if i was in town for orientation. for college. the next week, a woman asked me if i had just graduated college. i will appreciate this more when i turn 30. you know, in five or six more years.

9. i'm going to a bible study on thessalonians at church. love it. i've also taken to reading bible passages out loud. it helps me remember the passages better. i think there is a lot of virtue in this practice. ask me about it sometime.

10. i got to hang out with my best friend at her engagement party! i'm so happy mandi and heath are getting hitched. it was a joint party with her oldest brother. i just love her family.

11. i'm admitting i'm obsessed with greek salads.

12. i can't wait for football season. now i just need more maroon.

13. unlucky 13. the law graduate's car died, or might as well have for all the trouble it caused. two weekends before the bar, he went to the library to study and finding it not yet opened, sat in the car listening to music. after twenty minutes, the battery died, and all hell broke loose. for the next five hours, we tried to jump start the car, removed the battery, lost a tool in the car, made two trips worth $100+ to autozone, installed a new battery, and then a new battery post terminal node (or something), all in the pouring rain. with no luck. the car still had to be towed last monday. after the mechanics ignored it for 2.5 days, we called and learned that as an anti-theft control, the security system locks the car if it is unsuccessfully started more than five times and must be unlocked by the dealer. five times. i'm sorry, if you can't hotwire a car in less than 5 tries, you may need to look for a new career. dad wanted to try his hand at it first though, so he switched out cars with us. at 9 pm, i'm unloading the corvette (mid-life-crisis red and convertible, of course) and loading our car onto a flatbed wrecker. at least the loner's not bad, although the last time i drove it it whined a lot. apparently we are the kiss of death when it comes to cars.

that should about do it. i promise to upload a summer picture post.

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