Wednesday, January 20, 2010

not procrastinating

i feel fat. wednesday wussy for you. as this is not soon to change, i'll leave it at that. moving on...

the law student is stressing something major. bar applications apparently suck. poor thing. keep praying for a job opening!

tax season officially ends april 16 for me. law school graduation is may 8. i'm thinking week-long vacation for me and the law student, especially before he begins studying for the bar. so i'm asking you for suggestions! here are a few of my thoughts:

west coast winery
mountains (though i imagine we'd get bored quickly just sitting in a cabin, so i'd need activities)
LA to visit friends
beach (the law student has never been to the gulf coast. can you believe that?)
asheville, north carolina--visit family, see cool things (this actually needs to be done anyway)
boston, chicago (again) or some other cool city with fun things to do other than shop, cause the law student HATES that. and this is last on my list for a reason, please note. all the others are my top ideas.

so, keep me informed! i'd love your input. what's going on in our country in may that we should see?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you know my vote is definitely the beach...i'm just a little biased (sp?).